We hope to see you at our first ever Hanukkah party:
Wednesday, Dec 13
3 Sheets Bar
134 W 3rd St, New York, NY 10012
6pm - 9pm
Will there be food? We’ll bring some Kosher donuts/Sufganiyot! And you can also order snacks from the bar of course.
Will there be alcohol? Yes but you have to pay for it yourselves. We’re not that big of a podcast.
Is the bar kosher? Alas, not.
Will we light the menorah? Yes! If you have a battery/light bulb one please bring it! We won’t be able to light a real one because the owners of the bar are Antisemitic. Just kiddding, they are very nice but not enthusiastic about live flames, which is more than understandable.
What is Hanukkah? I don’t know, Ask Chaya Leah!
Will it be awkward if I don’t know anyone? No! Lots of people won’t know anyone, a few vodka sodas in and we’ll all be fast friends.
Will we play dreidel drinking games? Sure
Do I have to be a paying subscriber to come? No!
Do I have to be Jewish to come? Of course not! Hanukkah is for everyone. Except the Greeks maybe.
Will some of my favorite AAJ guests be there? Maybe! Feel free to pressure them to attend, and accuse them of not being sufficient allies if they don’t.
Please comment on this post if you don’t mind to let us know if you plan to come, so we know how many of you to expect.
I will be there even if I have to swim through a jihadist mob, which I usually do in order to get to the West Village from my house.
OK I guess I'll come, and take a RommelJew along.