Remembering this great moment in government Twitter history, when Iran’s supreme leader got trolled.
This week on AAJ, we were honored to welcome the brilliant and accomplished Eli Lake: National security correspondent, journalist, columnist and podcaster. You may know Eli from Bloomberg, Newsweek, the Daily Beast, CNN, and his new wonderful podcast, The Re-Education.
So what do we do with such an esteemed guest? Of course we waste our collective time by talking about hot congress members (some bipartisan choices), circumcision as psychological warfare, Kanye vs. Pete Davidson, and obscure Netflix reality tv shows. But that’s not all, of course.
We go on about Israel, Trump, the elections, Netanyahu, American Jews - don’t worry, there is something to get you mad about no matter what your politics are.
We also talk about alternatives to the Star Spangled Banner, spawned by this episode of Eli’s podcast. Here is Yael’s suggestion by the way for a banger to replace the Israeli National Anthem, Hatikvah, which is a bit of a downer tbh.
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Also, in no particular order:
Will the sane middle hold?
Cat Stevens wants to see Salman Rushdie burn
The Ortho-woke
We need a good Pogrom
Mother Theresa sucks
A young Chaya Leah cuts class to listen to the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill trial on her walkman (elicits an “aww” from Eli)
Orthodox Jews love pushy New York real-estate guys
Israelis love putting their politicians in prison.
Always, a Simpsons reference:
Eli references a story Yael told on another episode about being too tired to run from missiles - he listens to our podcast!
A meditation retreat turned Yael into a boring, calm person who talks about meditation retreats. Here is a book recommendation for 10% Happier by Dan Harris, and of course the event that started it all, a panic attack in front of 5 million people:
Jews get high in the Torah
You know who’s to blame for anti-Israel sentiment? The Jews!
Israel needs to work on its confidence
Annoying Upper West Side people
Chaya Leah thinks the solution is studying Talmud (of course she does)
Another must-read book, the Coddling of the American Mind
Snitches get bitches
The two car shows Eli watches - Jews stay in your lane
A Nobel peace prize for the Mossad?
Finally, If you wonder, like Chaya Leah, WWCHD (what Christopher Hitchens do?), here’s a clip that might help, and perhaps send a chill down your spine:
You guys rock!
Love the show, love the banter and the Zionism.
I thought you’d like to know you have listeners in Israel in general and in the IDF in particular.
Maybe once the show spins up, you would consider recording a live one here. Looking forward to it.
Sincerely yours, Gennady - LtCol, IDF
Everybody here in Kentucky thinks you two are the best! Well, ok, just my wife and I. Great episode as usual.