Hello from Washington DC! I’m in town for the hosage rally that took place yesterday, though apparently it’s a busy weekend for your nation from what I understand. Good luck with that!
Anyway, tonight we will convene via Zoom to share all the feelings about the hostage deal that began yesterday, opening with the emotional return of Emily Damari (28), Doron Steinbrecher (31) and Romi Gonen (24). If you haven’t seen the scenes of them being released to the Red Cross in Gaza (thanks for nothing, jerks) and then reuiniting with their families in Israel, i’ve dropped some below. Israel feels like a deeply divided nation at times, left and right, religious and secular, Jew and arab - but i’d be willing to bet money that there wasn’t a dry eye in any household yesterday. Welcome home, ladies. We’ve been waiting for you.
This one is special - a Welcome Back drawing that 9-year-old former hostage (read that again) Ella Elyakim drew for her friends upon their return. They are believed to have spent time together in captivity.
And I don’t know why, but this for some reason is the video that gets me the most. It shows Romi Gonen’s father watching her release via livestream in an IDF base and breaking down in tears. Maybe it’s because it’s one of the first videos I saw yesterday, maybe it’s the grainy quality, maybe it’s just the pure burst of emotions from an older man, but wow. Even the BBC couldn’t resist.
Speaking of Romi, our friend
met her mother last year in Israel when Romi was hostage for “only” a few months. I don’t know what I believed back then, I think part of me thought they would never come back, and another part couldn’t imagine them not coming back. But Romi’s mother never stopped fighting, and, well…have I mentioned words have not been my strong suit the last 24 hours? I’ll let the ladies speak for themselves on (which you should follow):The Zoom. See you tonights? Sorry for the weird hour, feel free to take the call in bed. We’ll probably release the call as an episode as well. We plan to do a lot more of these in the future, probably for paid subscribers to begin with, but this one’s on the house.
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I was introduced to your podcast from the Fifth Column guys and I’ve been too nervous to join your Zoom meeting, now I’m glad I did, your hearts are welcoming. Sorry my little guy took over the chat. He’s too curious and restless
Make the Bibas Family whole again. Release baby Kfir, Ariel and Shiri. Release all the hostages at the earliest opportunity. God Bless Israel and her courageous citizens.