Hi friends, thanks for joining Ask a Jew on Substack. Stay tuned as we figure out what to do with this space, but in the meantime we will be sharing our new pods here, and a funny or thoughtful email from time to time.
Right now all the content is free, so please subscribe and sign up your friends and enemies as well. If you wish to pay you are welcome to (of course we have a good deal just for you) but by no means are you required. Eventually, we’d like to have a bit to pay our incredible sound editor Mickey (aka Mickey the Mohel) for his hard work (he currently gets paid in hugs, which we don’t think he likes). Chaya Leah also has 17 kids to feed, and Yael likes nice things.
If you like our show and want to help us grow, consider sharing this, or leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts. The reviews help us reach more people, and also determine our personal self-worth.
Have any ideas? Recommendations? Email us at