This week we are delighted to welcome newly minted Jew, our number one draft pick for the Tribe this season, the Caitlin Clark of Judaism - Nellie Bowles! Nellie is the Chief Stratgy Officer at
, formerly of The NY Times, and author of the wonderful new book “Morning After the Revolution: Dispatches from the Wrong Side of History” which you should absolutely buy and read (don’t check it out of the library, pay up!)I’m sure i’ve mentioned this before, but in the weeks after October 7, the weekly TGIF newsletter Nellie writes for the Free Press was the only time I realized another week had passed, and one of my few moments of laughter.
We discuss:
What’s it like being married to a LITERAL Nazi
How smart people lost their mind
Panic in Echo Park
Real authentic homeless people
We Will Not Stop We Will Not Rest!
Nellie, do you have any contacts in the KKK?
Do not Google dental dams!
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Name dropping Auschwitz
Nobody hates the Greek Orthodox
Yael tries to go positive and fails
Your lovely nice friends are raising money for encampment dental dams
Jewish organizations and the “conception”
How about a little Charlotsville?
Post October 7 loneliness
Twitter is sometimes real life
Gay men over 50 are basically Trumpers
Nellie’s news diet
A love letter to the Daily Mail
Did you hear that Timothée Chalamet was spotted at an IDF recruitment office?
Wait, is Jerry Seinfeld hot?
An Academy Awards for Zionists
Israelis are so ‘pick me”
Would Nellie leave Bari for Tom Brady?
You’re either a gay baker or youre a anti-gay baker
Chaya Leah and Nellie have a mutual friend in Ballerina Farm
This is what we got when we searched for Nellie’s book on Amazon the other day. Please help her out, and buy some bathroom cleaner while you’re at it (but not this one since it barely has 4 stars)
I don’t wanna be “that guy” about why the ep doesn’t hit Spotify at the same time but come on do you control the media or not
I like to wonder what this moment must be like for all those straight-A, high-achieving Asian kids who didn’t get into schools like Columbia because of their race. To look at what’s going on and think, “I didn’t get in, but these people did? This is what the admissions office wanted all along? Should I have ditched AP Calculus and robotics competitions and just slapped on a keffiyeh instead?”