Nothing is Certain Except Death and the Holocaust
A conversation that starts with strip clubs ends, naturally, in death
Hello Jews and Allies!
A post-Passover vent for you all, starts light, ends deep. Much like Shabbat or something. Who knows.
In this episode we talk of the emotional trifecta that has shaped generations of Jews: the holocast, death and Ian Ziering.
Support Jewish Artists
We discuss how I almost had a terrible thing happen to me, and how you can help support me by subscribing to our podcast, rating us 5 stars, and leaving a comment on Apple Podcasts.
Most importantly, save the date, the 17th of Iyar!!
That’s May 8th for you Gregorian heathens. Chaya Leah will be in New Yotk, and hopefully some of you will join us for drinks at a yet-to-be-determined Manhattan location. Stay tuned here.
In this episode, we also discuss:
• A blasphemous Seder.
• A passionate defense of peeling tomatoes.
• Karens of the Bible.
• Holocaust bell dings at: 15:50.
• A terrible disease and the only known cure is supporting our podcast.
• Death is really bad you guys.
• Listeners questions about Passover loopholes and the Rebbe. And thank you to speedy listener Judy who just offered some clarifications:
I loved this episode. So many things resonated so apologies for the long message below. First! Yael, I said it in a comment on here but I’ll say it again, that’s really terrifying. I’m so sorry.
Chaya Leah, I really liked hearing about Hasidic living, especially the about being fully immersed in Shabbat and Passover and carrying on our traditions from year to year.
Over the past few years (and huge thanks to you on this podcast) I’ve felt more appreciation for and connection to the Hasidic community as fellow Jews. It has coincided with an autodidactic Jewish studies thing I’ve decided to fall into. fwiw, Chabad’s website an amazing resource. I love the parshah section.
Anyways, I’ll wrap by saying that I also loved how you said you and Yael are both Jewish to your core.
Can’t wait to hang out — even though I’m very awkward. and just as short. 🤓
Okay, PS, two questions while we’re here: 1. Does an (unintentional) autopay going through on Saturday break the sabbath? 2. can the orthodox keep non-kosher animals as pets, like a rabbit (asking for a friend)? PPS your answer will not affect the rabbit’s wellbeing.
I posted this elsewhere, but if you ever need to talk bewb surgery, I'm your girl! ( I almost wrote goy) 😆
Not fun, the whole surgery thing, but definitely doable and worth it to reduce risk or whatever.❤️❤️❤️