A new infrequent episode is out, please pardon our dust as we fall into a regular schedule. It’s very difficult to coordinate, since Chaya Leah has 4 kids and Yael has a Peloton, and both require a lot of attention.
Before we tell you all about the episode, here’s a sneak peak of our upcoming guest - Lenore Skenazy is the president of Let Grow, an organization that believes kids aren’t dumb and fragile (my words, not hers). From the website: “Let Grow is making it easy, normal and legal to give kids the independence they need to grow into capable, confident, and happy adults.” Controversial, right? For some reason, it earned her the title America’s Worst Mom, but we (and many, many others) beg to differ.
Here is Lenore on the Daily Show.
Have a question for Lenore? Send to AskAJewpod@gmail.com
Today we are back with friend of the pod, friend of the Jews, and let’s face it - friend to all good things - Nancy Rommelmann!
If you don’t know Nancy, she’s a writer, podcaster, journalist and world traveler. She just launched Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em with the lovely Sarah Hepola, which you can listen to right here on Substack.
You can also check out some of Nancy’s writing in, oh, you know, The NY Times.
This episode starts with a historical overview of the hotness of First Ladies, A certain Israeli first lady's fondness for cases of pink champagne (I mean, who amongst us?), the royal family, getting older (related), gardening (super related) and Jews surviving in the wild in Peru (the Jews are related to the host).
* The Holocaust weight loss challenge.
* Bodega guy - friend or bro? A crisis communications disaster.
* Stealing silverware from a country club.
* Traveling during Covid is a human right.
* Working out in the heat is a human right's violation.
* And please check out friend Meghan Daum's and future friend Sarah Haider's new podcast, A Special Place in Hell:
Another excellent podcast. I would listen just to hear you all laughing. Not enough of that now days.
Thank you!