Chaya Leah tells the tale of how she and her girlfriends traveled around the country in a van solving mysteries with a dog... or that might be Scooby Doo. But the part about traveling around the country with a van full of Jews is true! Also, Yael tries to compliment the Rebbe but ends up offending him (of course) by comparing him to the pope. Bonus content: Purim, Brad Pitt, diets, and an accidentally deep conversation towards the end about the F word (feminism) Trigger warning: You may never again be able to eat Hamentschen after this episode.Joing the AAJ conversation on Susbtack! Email us your questions ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Want to help us grow? Rate and review us 5 stars on Apple podcasts and Spotify ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Ask a Jew
Yael Bar tur, secular sinner, and Chaya Leah Sufrin, pious Haredi, ask each other the hard questions, from Torah to Tinder
Yael Bar tur, secular sinner, and Chaya Leah Sufrin, pious Haredi, ask each other the hard questions, from Torah to TinderListen on
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