The girls welcome Coleman Hughes. If you haven’t heard the name, Coleman is a gifted writer, musician, rapper, podcaster, and probably a Nobel Prize winning physician too.
After Chaya Leah makes it awkward right off the bat, we move to topics like:
* Afros make you closer to G_d,
* The season when Hasidic people bloom
* Seeing the best in people
* Coleman doesn’t know much about the israeli Palestinian conflict and we love him for it
* Campus wars vs actual wars
* Anti-racist fetus
* Coleman not being funny (?)
* A good Neil deGrasse Tyson story
* Amare Stoudemire doesn’t play on Shabbos
* Famous Jewish Rap legends
* An even better Snoop Dogg story
* Coleman’s band will make you not want to go home
* We Didn’t Start the Fire isn’t a Jewish song?
* Sam Harris and other imaginary friends
We could have gone on forever but we were about to pass out from the heat.
Check out Coleman’s amazing music,
And work
Joing the AAJ conversation on Susbtack!
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