Intro - Yael manages to offend our guest by mis-introducing him.
7:35 Al literature that isn't American sucks
13:00 Nick's PhD thesis, oral defense - The Great Gatsby
20:45 Immigrants - we something something done.
25:40 Famous Jewish sports legends
27:00 Thank you Dr.Gillespie. Now tell us about the time you interviewed Jason Priestly for "Teen Machine" magazine
29:00 Nick and Yael get into a heated debate over the true meaning of BDE.
30:35 Back to Teen Machine. Nick compares interviewing Corey Haim and Corey Feldman to 9/11, or something.
35:00 Mel Gibson, the world's sexiest Anti-semite
38:35 Celebrities on social media are a libertarians dream come true, and we are the next Bill Cosby
42:40 Cancel culture, and why it's the best time to be alive.
48:40 It's the golden era of individualism
51:30 Yael says something really profound about social media
54:00 Revolt of the public
56:15 Finally, the Holocaust!
58:30 Postmodernism
1:00 The culture wars
1:07:40 The Declaration of Independents
1:10 National service, military and war
1:16:50 The Holocaust again (ok fine, WWII)
1:32 The girls give Nick an off-ramp, he doesn’t take it.
1:41 Come to Nick’s event April 4th about heroin
1:46 Kids today
Chaya Leah seems to think we have the ability to add a song at the end of the podcast. We can't, so here's a link to System of A Down's BYOB.
Joing the AAJ conversation on Susbtack!
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