The list is excellent . And yet, the sad thing is that being an antisemite is no longer shameful, and in some circles, it’s a prerequisite that people are even proud of.

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You missed my favorite: if you advocate/participate in the BDS movement because of Israel’s policies towards Palestinians, but gladly choose Chinese products when there are suitable alternatives (iPhone vs Samsung) knowing there are over 1 million Uyghurs in interment camps, you’re an antisemite.

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Very well said. I think that, as jews, we need to start really educating people on the last step on the long road to the modern founding of Israel. People legitimately don't know this and we are losing the propaganda war. We need to start pushing a few key points (as that is all people seem to be able to process) and I think this is one of them.

In 1948, the UN approved partition thereby creating Israel and Palestine. Jews accepted the plan and were promptly recognized as a country on the world stage. Palestinians rejected the plan and have been stateless since.

Yes, that is a gross oversimplification. However, it is 3 simple sentences that people should be able to grasp. Someone smarter than me needs to figure out memes, make it cool, and put it on t-shirts and posters that the kids in college want to wave. We may be absolutely in the moral right, but if we lose the propaganda war (which we absolutely are losing), we will be in real trouble.

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Thank you for identifying over 40 signs to determine whether one is an antisemite. I agree with every single one. I expect many people to cherry pick the list with disagreements but the descriptions are accurate. And it's clear that many people in the Biden Administration and most definitely, the Obama administrations, including Obama, meet the criteria and have for some time. You can't spend 20 years in the 'Church' of Jim Wright as a Community Activist listening to jew hatred every Sunday and not be impacted. Is this a wake up call for many of our fellow 'congregationalists' who support this hatred? I would hope so but not that optimistic. From a Bell Curve perspective, we have exceptionally long tails in both directions.

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Great points. I definitely have to educate myself more in detail on the subject. Do you have reading suggestions on the recent history of Israel? Whenever I look it up myself, the entire Chomskian "oeuvre" floods in.

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Try Noah Tishby’s book

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Tishby's book is great. For a less jocular and more scholarly tone, try Daniel Gordis's book Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn. His Substack is also worth a follow.

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Oren of TravelingIsrael on YouTube provides quite the education, and he started his videos before Oct 7. He's been key in my re-education!

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I loved reading this but I know sharing it with people who think these things won't help. 100% agree that every item on this list is FALSE, but not everyone who believes them are antisemites. Some are just badly misinformed and miseducated. Probably most are virtue signalers trying to maintain their social safety ("there's a genocide; good people protest genocide"). How do we reach them?

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If you oppose Palestinians the real Semites you are an.antisemite.

There, I fixed ot for you

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If you are white you are an antisemite.

Am I correct?

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Does this ranting yenta still think the word "antisemitism" scares people into compliance? Jews aren't even the only semites, Arabs are semites too. I prefer the term "Hebrewphobic".

Imagine being a lawyer in a real-estate dispute and claiming that the land is yours based on a myth stating that three thousand years ago a guy had a wrestling match with an angel and then a deity gave the land to your ethnic group. The establishment of Israel in 1948 was a colonial imposition on the Arabs living in that region, all based on and justified by ridiculous religious myths. And since 1948 Israeli settlers have made more and more incursions into the native Palestinian territory. Is it really that much of a mystery to you people as to why the Palestinians, the Arab and most of the world hates Israel?

As a White American, I couldn't care less about the fate of Israel. That conflict does not (or should not) affect me at all. What I do want is for AIPAC and all Israeli influence on my government to be abolished. I want all congressmen and senators with dual-citizenship with Israel to step down. I want to make it illegal for any dual-citizen of any country to hold positions of government in the US. I want the US to stop sending Israel tens of billions of tax payer dollars a year, and instead let Israel stand on its own two legs without the help of the US. Your country of Israel, and your country's influence on my government, does not benefit me in the slightest.

If you care about Israel so much, why don't you get off your fat New Yorker ass and fight for Israel? Why aren't you going toe-to-toe with Hamas? You're nothing but a coward hiding behind impotent blog posts and tweets.

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