If you are a regular Ask A Jew listener, you know how much we value divergent viewpoints. We’re big tent kind of girls, and we want our listeners to benefit from the beautiful mosaic that is the Jewish faith. To that end, we were honored to interview Rabbi Linda Goldstein, Chief Rabbi of Gaza, in her first ever interview to a Zionist outlet. Due to her cotroversial views, Rabbi Goldstein has had to take her congregation underground - litteraly. She spoke to us from her tunnel underneath Gaza, where she practices her faith every day by putting on Tefilin, providing free circumcisions to anyone in need, and participating in something called Tikkun Olam Haba - Tikkun Olam for martyrs headed to heaven to meet their 72 virgins. You can support her work by following her on X and Instagram.
AAJ: Tell us about your Jewish upbringing. What made you want to become a Rabbi?
RLG: I was always secular, and I have practically zero understanding of Judaism or knowledge about Jewish law, but when I realized that having a Rabbi title would carry more weight when using my Jewish identity to push anti-Zionist causes, I ordained myself.
AAJ: Take us back to your first day as the chief Rabbi of Gaza - how were you welcomed? Did it take a long time to build a congregation?
RLG: I was appointed to be the Chief Rabbi of Gaza by Ismail Haniyeh. I met him in a bar in Doha with Roger Waters and spent the night with him in his Harem. When he later needed an advisor on “Jewish Issues”, I eagerly accepted.
AAJ: What is your favorite thing about your congregation in Gaza? What are some of the challenges?
RLG: I love how progressive it is. We’re actually the world’s first voluntary Jewish ghetto. We voluntarily ghettoized ourselves so we don’t accidentally colonize anyone’s homes or compete for jobs with local Gazans.
AAJ: Describe a typical shabbat dinner at your home.
RLG: Please don’t say ‘Shabbat’, which comes from colonial Hebrew. Now, with respect to Shabbos, we celebrate once a month, and we’re usually surrounded by local leaders from factions like Hamas, PIJ, and the Al-Qassam Martyr’s Brigade, as well as visitors from Code Pink, JFREJ, and JVP.
AAJ: We know progressive Rabbis such as yourself sometimes add an orange to the Passover Seder plate. Do you have any other things you like to add?
RLG: I don’t celebrate Passover. It’s a colonial holiday that celebrates Israelite aggression towards their neighbors. We should be celebrating solidarity with our neighbors to keep us safe, not absconding in the night while stealing the Egyptian’s belongings.
AAJ: Who are your Jewish heroes?
RLG: It’s a toss up between Chaim Rumkowski, Peter Beinart, and Ariel Gold.
AAJ: Is it hard to maintain a kosher lifestyle in Gaza?
RLG: ‘Kosher’ is a colonial tool of oppression. But since I need to raise money for my congregation, I gladly Kosher bless any food items for folx seeking to live a Kosher lifestyle.
AAJ: What is your favorite bible verse and why?
RLG: ‘Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof’, because it forms the basis of the pursuit of justice and using my Jewish identity to support Palestinian liberation. Interestingly, I always see Zio’s telling me to read the second half of the verse, but literally nobody has time to read the whole TorXh.
AAJ: What is your vision for the middle east? Do you think Jews and Muslims can live peacefully?
RLG: Zionists are not capable of living peacefully, hence why my congregation voluntarily ghettoized. It would be better for everyone if Zio’s went back to where they came from originally, mainly Park Slope and Poland.
AAJ: How do you think American Jews should vote this November?
RLG: They should write in Rabbi Linda Goldstein. Even Jill Stein is a rabid far right Zio compared to me.
AAJ: You are known for building bridges with different political leaders to raise awareness for Gaza. Who were you most excited to collaborate with?
RLG: I’ve collaborated with so many, it’s hard to choose from. Imani Oakley, Jamaal Bowman, Cori Bush, Francesca Albanese, Jill Stein, Kendra Lara, the Columbia University campus leaders. Maybe my best collaboration is yet to come?
AAJ: Last question - and it's ok if you are not comfortable answering - but since I know you have lots of inside knowledge: who really shot President Trump?
RLG: I think we both know the answer to this. It starts with an ‘M’, and ends with a “D”.
AAJ: Rabbi, you are stunning and brave, and we thank you for your time and courage.
Also Happy Goy calendar Birthday to the one and only Chaya Leah!!!! I can’t speak for her, but I know the only thing she would want for her birthday is for you to share this post, and rate and review us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
Leveraging our positional privilege within the hasbarah machine to amplify anti-Zionist voices is literally a mitzvah 🥰
I'm embarrassed to say I thought this was real at first! I became very relieved as I read on.