Jul 27Liked by Ask a Jew

Leveraging our positional privilege within the hasbarah machine to amplify anti-Zionist voices is literally a mitzvah 🥰

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Tikkun Olam!

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I'm embarrassed to say I thought this was real at first! I became very relieved as I read on.

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Happy birthday ChayaLeah!

Funny and yet on the nose!

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A little levity for a Friday afternoon

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Hilarious and creative. Happy Goy birthday.

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What a a scoop ! Guerrilla 🥷🏽 journalism

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What the “F” did I just read?

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It's parody. At first I thought "Why the hell are they giving this lunatic a platform on their show?" I must say, thought - she isn't much worse than a lot of Haaretz reporters.

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That’s a parody account (the rabbi)

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Absolute anti-Jew garbage.

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Oh, thank goodness this isn’t real🥴

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Once you read anything from JVP and Code Pink and other "genius thinkers of the left" you see how close to the mark this is.

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Yeah, I just can’t understand it.

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I actually wonder how many readers of this article know this is satire.

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When I was a young man I read Leviticus. Christians say that sacrifices to God ended when he sacrificed his only son, embarrassingly named after the incompetent gardener Jesus.

But why did Jews stop sacrificing after the Romans destroyed the temple in Jerusalem? God clearly demanded a sweet smelling sacrifice from the finest cuts, but I never see any lamb burning in Jewish temples. Why? Is it related to the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem? Why have Jews not rebuilt it, or rebuilt many?

And if that is not a long answer, WTF is the Book of Numbers in the Bible? Does it make any sense in Hebrew?

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Jews only are good for themselves

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And it’s the same with the bicycle riders

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Bicycle riders are angels. They are not rioting to get rapists free.

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Another thing they have in common with Jews.

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Child sacrice? What is it?

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That’s it exactly! Child sacrice!

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Blood libel? You don’t know much about them.

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At least try to learn to spell circumcisions correctly

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Well obviously we should never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

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I never thought “Ask A Jew” would be so profoundly hateful of Jews, but having had the “pleasure” of encountering some right wing Jewish voices on here, I can’t say I’m surprised.

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