This week we welcome Judy Gold - comedian, writer, actor and author of "Yes, I can say that! When they come for the comedians we're all I trouble". We go everywhere in this one - feminism, lesbians, Israel, comedy, cat-calling - you name it, we laugh about it. Don't listen if you have kids in the car (unless your kids are cool). Follow Judy on Instagram, check out her website, and catch her performing comedy live weekly She also hosts the podcast “It’s Judy’s Show”, but she hasn’t invited us on so don’t listen.

Ask a Jew
Yael Bar tur, secular sinner, and Chaya Leah Sufrin, pious Haredi, ask each other the hard questions, from Torah to Tinder
Yael Bar tur, secular sinner, and Chaya Leah Sufrin, pious Haredi, ask each other the hard questions, from Torah to TinderListen on
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