I don’t even care about what Kanye says or continues to say it’s more like how there’s a ton of people continuing to say how he was speaking truth that really makes me nervous

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What’s also bothering me are people on the Left, predictably, saying that this wouldn’t have happened just for his anti-Black comments -- reinforcing the whole thing. It’s all over twitter but here’s one good example https://mobile.twitter.com/brokeymcpoverty/status/1584888665876336640

They’ll use antisemitism to take down someone they hate and then turn around and hate us because it worked.

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It’s so absurd bc it’s not even his first time saying antisemitic comments and idk the extent of the anti black things he’s said but I think the fact that he’s a black man speaking of his own ethnicity is probably a factor. If he was silenced then for whatever those comments were, you know people would say it’s just bc he’s black. People always have to problematize

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And I honestly think he would’ve been fine if he had backed away after “death” con 3. He just kept going and made it impossible to ignore.

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True. Several multiple hour podcast interviews + a 20 min interview + rage tweeting on Fox News is just a tad excessive

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Elisa, I completely agree and am very worried about the implications of that. There are so many assholes on twitter (I’ve retweeted a few) who are really doubling down on this. Not sure what the solution is

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It’s very disappointing and sad to me. But I think I’ve kind of given up with it. I think it’s just something that will always exist and flare up during periods and there isn’t much to do about it

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"Do you hate Jews if you play Golddigger on repeat? You don’t need to be a Talmud scholar to answer those questions with an astounding No."

---I feel so seen! (And relieved) 😆

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Thank you, ladies! I sent a NY Daily News article to a friend this morning about an attack on a Hasidic teen in Brooklyn with a snarky “would be great if the squad denounced this.” I now feel vindicated. And thanks for vetting the Lex / Kanye interview. I was curious but couldn’t bring myself to listen.

Shabbat Shalom! The Jews are moving on, folks! 🚌🚌🚌

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Buh bye!!

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Yael was talking about being more disturbed by left-wing antisemitism than right-wing conspiracy rants and hatred. I've been thinking a lot about that lately 'cause I have the same reaction, and it always brings to mind a quote from Schindler's List. Oberführer Scherner: [to Schindler] God forbid you ever get a real taste for Jewish skirt – there's no future in it. No future. They don't have a future. And that's not just good old-fashioned Jew-hating talk. It's policy now.

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