My son lives in LA. A few years ago, he lived in the highly orthodox community of Fairfax. Somehow some young girls across the street found out that he was Jewish, and they would come and ask him to do this or that. I thought that was so cute! He also told me about the minivans with the menorahs lit up on top during Hannukah!
I went to a Law school that had a sizable Jewish undergrad population, and this guy walked out of a chabad and roped me into helping him turn on his oven, AC and pull stuff out of his fridge. I think it was during a Jewish holiday, this was a weekday but I can't remember which weekday and I can't remember if it was a Jewish Holiday.
So Chaya Leah, Since your family recently went to Poland to visit family sites, did that movie A Real pain resonate with you at all? I haven’t seen it. I’m just curious.
Here’s your ChatGPT summary of this episode:
Diet Cokehead and back pain sufferer discuss things that are big, huge, vast, and otherwise large of size.
I’ll be honest with you. I really like the new look.
The new logo is beautiful! But please, don’t change your open/close song! It makes me happy.
My son lives in LA. A few years ago, he lived in the highly orthodox community of Fairfax. Somehow some young girls across the street found out that he was Jewish, and they would come and ask him to do this or that. I thought that was so cute! He also told me about the minivans with the menorahs lit up on top during Hannukah!
I went to a Law school that had a sizable Jewish undergrad population, and this guy walked out of a chabad and roped me into helping him turn on his oven, AC and pull stuff out of his fridge. I think it was during a Jewish holiday, this was a weekday but I can't remember which weekday and I can't remember if it was a Jewish Holiday.
I LOVE your new look! It’s very professional and tasteful 👍🏻
So Chaya Leah, Since your family recently went to Poland to visit family sites, did that movie A Real pain resonate with you at all? I haven’t seen it. I’m just curious.
I miss your pictures!!!
Ew, Chana, no