I’m struck with this image of you two chiming in unbidden from under the floorboards as Meghan Daum records her podcast.

This needs to be a sitcom.

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I think "End Jew Hate" will not be uttered by anyone who isn't a Jew. We're still getting used to saying "Jew" without the "-ish." Is it weird that I prefer the term Antisemitism? Admittedly, it does seem unnecessarily fancy.

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huh!!! me too always evaluate friends on the “who could i trust” in the event of another holocaust type situation. i never dared ask my jewish friends whether they do it too. I have the “definitely”, “would deeply want to except must protect own children”, to “highly unlikely but still lots of fun when times are good”

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If you guys have a typical listener , I’m probably not it . Im a non - Jewish , American ex-Pat ballet teacher living in British Columbia .I subscribe to and automatically download way too many podcasts , which necessitates me having to perform a ruthless culling everyday . Ask a Jew not only makes the cut every week but goes straight to the front of my queue , beating out even the 5th Column! Have just returned from a walk while listening to your latest which had me lol ing multiple times . Just wanted to write and tell you I love you . I bet you have a lot of keen listeners from all sorts of obscure corners but how would you know if we don’t tell you !

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Our only dream is to completely destroy the Fifth Column 🥹

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Here for it

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Is everyone watching Jewish Matchmaking?!

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I loved that show!

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I loled imagining god calling someone a bitch

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So much fun at the hangout last night! Getting to ask my kosher questions in person was a highlight. ChayaLeah, is there a market for Shabbos pet care? Where you drop off your dogs on Friday morning and pick them up on Saturday night? Do we need to find shabbos goys who are good with animals and start a franchise?

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