Just in time for Mother's Day, we are joined in the studio by the man who birthed us, Matt Welch!
From his humble beginnings as a Newsie in Prague, to head of a podcast empire and reluctant cult leader, Matt makes idol worship almost acceptable to a religious Jew. Most importantly, Chaya Leah and Yael's love story began when they were both listening to The Fifth Column, the podcast Matt hosts with Kmele Foster and former guest Michael Moynihan. So extra special.
In almost two hours, we cover:
Why was Matt blocked by Salman Rushdie on Twitter?
Libertarians are a lot like Jews in the sense that they all hate each other.
The miracle that is Lakewood, CA
An Ask A Jew Happy Hour recap
New York is an absolute shithole and still the best place in the world
Family Feud is everything that's right with America
Chaya Leah is very bad with money, despite what you might think
LA Times confidential
Spilling all the tea on The Fifth Column
A newsie in Prague
Does paying a podcaster earn you their love and respect? Absolutely.
Matt wants to go back to Israel (but we recorded this before rockets started raining from Gaza)
something something baseball
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