Noam Dworman is the owner of the world famous Comedy Cellar in New York City, co-host of the podcast Live From The Table, and two-time MVP of Ask A Jew.
We sat with him last week in a beautiful Soho studio (thank you Jonathan!) to talk about Israel, Trump, people you disagree with, and more. Manny Dworman, a 5th-grader with some strong opinions about free speech, made this episode even better than we could have hoped for.
Also: Thank you to everyone who came to the AAJ Happy Hour in NYC! Was great to meet you, for photos and more announcements head over to substack:
he problem with Holocaust education
A supply and demand problem
Some pessimistic predictions
Noam’s solution - take his kids to israel
Chaya Leah has a solution (guess what it is)
The cool kids don’t like us
What to do about the West Bank
Hebron for Tel Aviv?
Make America Pro-Israel again - the case for Trump?
Talking to people you disagree with
Is Noam a narcissict? We ask his son.
What Chaya Leah changed her mind about
When a broken clock is right twice a day
Should Briahna Joy Gray have been fired? Manny has some thoughts
Jews behind the curtain
They hired you to be a Jew!
Show notes:
Inflation Debate between Paul R. Krugman and Lawrence H. Summers
Joing the AAJ conversation on Susbtack!
Email us your questions
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